Thursday, November 24

Thursday, November 24

Following the end of the COP27, we brought a small excerpt with rich vocabulary to be translated. There are a number of environmental concepts that you should be familiarized with, but a tricky structure that might cause you some trouble. 

Todd Marshall
2 min

Translation answer keys

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Following the end of the COP27, we brought a small excerpt with rich vocabulary to be translated. There are a number of environmental concepts that you should be familiarized with, but a tricky structure that might cause you some trouble. 

Try to follow the important three steps we presented last week:

  1. Read the full excerpt;
  2. Mark key words and expressions that might present some extra difficulty;
  3. Do not automatically translate the text before understanding its meaning and how it would be written in Portuguese.   

Now see if you translated yesterday’s text correctly and remember that there are multiple ways to say the right thing. The CACD board is fairly sympathetic to style variances.

Set against a difficult geopolitical backdrop, COP27 resulted in countries delivering a package of decisions that reaffirmed their commitment to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. 

Diante de/Perante um difícil contexto/fundo geopolítico, a COP27 resultou na entrega de/teve como desfecho um pacote de decisões dos países participantes, que reafirmou seu compromisso de limitar/restringir o aumento da temperatura global a 1,5 grau Celsius acima dos níveis pré-industriais.

The package also strengthened action by countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change, 

O pacote também fortaleceu a ação dos países para cortar as emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa e se adaptarem aos inevitáveis impactos das mudanças climáticas, 

as well as boosted the financial and technological support and capacity building needed by developing countries.”

assim como impulsionou/reforçou/estimulou o suporte/apoio às finanças, à tecnologia e à capacidade de construção dos países em desenvolvimento.

* Sometimes you might come across a text that is poorly written (like the end of this excerpt). In this scenario, while translating the text, you must adapt it to a correct grammar structure and choose the best vocabulary possible, making it as comprehensible as possible for the reader.