Game Testing

Game Testing

We consulted three of our classmates, who haven't heard our game concept before, to give feedback to it, say whether they would play it and whether they consider the game being specific to some gender. Here are the summaries of what they said...

2 min

Our team did a game testing, in which we explained our game concept to three people in the target audience range, asking them about opinions, whether they would play the game and if they see it appealing only to a specific gender. Here are the results.

Game Testing:

Paul, 26

Paul rarely plays mobile games, but he could imagine himself playing this while commuting on a bus or tram, and to him it definitely seems like a game with an addicting factor to it.

Tobias, 24

Tobias liked the concept since he would play anything with an addicting factor to it.

Eva, 22

Eva said she would play it, but probably only for a few days. What’s important to her is being able to feel your progress and never get stuck on one level. She also mentioned that having a lot of mini games increases the game’s playability, hence we made sure to include several mini games. In her eyes the overfishing mechanic might lead to frustration, nevertheless we decided to keep it, since that is one of the learning goals of the game.

As for target gender all three said they don’t see this game appealing to one specific gender, which aligns with our goal of making it gender neutral.

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