Human 4.0

Human 4.0

We are the humanity 3.0. In this exactly moment you and me makes part of the Humanity 2.0. Our lives are easier due to technology and manufacture advance in the last 200 years. 

1 min

We are the humanity 3.0. In this exactly moment you and me makes part of the Humanity 2.0. Our lives are easier due to technology and manufacture advance in the last 200 years. 

Humanity 4.0
Humanity 4.0

The technology revolution gives us the ability to survive mainly using or mind instead of or arms. If you compare or lives today with the last century will see that the difference are huge. Today we get or food, cloths, medicines just working from a computer, receiving and spending money inserting credit cards in a payment machine or using a mobile application. In the previous century we needed to conquer our survivor mainly using or arms and legs, working hardly in some kind of heavy industry or in a farm, or maybe as a shop market worker replacing products in a product stand. These peoples were the humans 2.0, that have populating the earth, surviving from the hand jobs in industry manufacturers. But what’s the Human 4.0?

Firstly, this arbitrary metric about the humanity works according to the timeline of the stages of the human's work force, the ability of the people to generate resources to keep alive. The human 1.0 is considered in this article as been the first stage of the modern humanity lives, from the Homo sapiens that starts living cultivation farms and hunting to survivor. The second stage was the human 2.0, that's have used the hands to survivor, working into market, large farms, towns exchanging food work for coins.

We are in the end of teh humanity 3.0. In fact, we keep selling our work force to manufacturers but now, we are working with our brains. The technology revolutions opened the door to the human 4.0

The Human 4.0 will be carcaterized by a biological em genetic advanced when the work force will be not necessary anymore. The advanced of the robotic and AI will substitute the traditional employees. What we will sell will be or lives, genetic and DNA. Our bodies will be used as a super computer and our brains will be connected to a lot of services to share and provide information. We will be in a global society exploring other planets.