Thursday, December 1st

Thursday, December 1st

Try to follow these important three steps:

Todd Marshall
2 min

Translation answer keys

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Try to follow these important three steps:

  1. Read the full excerpt;
  2. Mark key words and expressions that might present some extra difficulty;
  3. Do not automatically translate the text before understanding its meaning and how it would be written in Portuguese.

See if you translated it correctly and remember that there are multiple ways to say the right thing. The CACD board is pretty much sympathetic to style variances.

Na representação simbólica, os valores e a cultura desempenham um papel muito importante. 

In the symbolic representation, values and culture play a very important role.

Ela só pode ser bem exercida se for permeada por uma visão do país, ou seja, por sua identidade. 

It can only be well exercised/exerted/implemented/applied if it is permeated by/intertwined with a view/perspective of the country, in other words, by its identity.

Por isso, a despeito da variedade inerente a uma obra coletiva que trata de autores diversos pertencentes a distintas épocas, entendo poder-se dizer que o presente livro está permeado pelo tema da identidade e projeta uma busca constante do que é o Brasil.”

Therefore, in spite of the inherent variety of a collective work that comprises numerous/several/multiple authors who belong to distinct eras/ages/periods/times, I understand that this book is permeated by/intertwined with the theme of identity and projects a constant search for what Brazil is.”