Thursday, March 30

Thursday, March 30

Todd Marshall
2 min

Translation answer keys

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Try to follow these important three steps:

  1. Read the full excerpt;
  2. Mark key words and expressions that might present some extra difficulty;
  3. Do not automatically translate the text before understanding its meaning and how it would be written in English.

“Foi uma reunião tensa, com poucas palavras e atmosfera lúgubre. Mas desse caldo saiu um armistício pelo qual delegações dos Estados Unidos e dos Vietnãs do Sul e do Norte pretendiam encerrar o conflito que se tornaria o maior calcanhar de Aquiles da história militar americana. 

“It was a tense meeting/gathering,with few words and a gloomy atmosphere. However, from this brew came an armistice, by which the delegations from the United States, South Vietnam, and North Vietnam intended to put an end to the conflict that would become the Achilles heel of American military history. 

O Acordo de Paz de Paris, assinado em 27 de janeiro de 1973, há 50 anos, determinava a retirada das tropas dos EUA da Guerra do Vietnã, depois de quase duas décadas de bombardeios. 

The Paris Peace Accord/Treaty, signed fifty years ago on January 27, 1973, determined the withdrawal of US troops from the Vietnam war, after almost two decades of bombings.

O número de vítimas total da guerra é incerto: sabe-se que pelo menos 1,1 milhão de vietnamitas foram mortos, mas estimativas apontam que o número real pode chegar a 3 milhões; do lado americano, foram 58 mil. 

The total number of war victims is uncertain: it is known that at least 1.1 million Vietnamese were killed, but estimates indicate that the real number can reach up to 3 million. On the American side there were 58 thousand. 

Um dos arquitetos do acordo, o então secretário de Estado dos EUA, Henry Kissinger, chegou a dizer a senadores num encontro a portas fechadas que as tropas do país não voltariam ao que chamou de "atoleiro vietnamita", numa referência aos reveses americanos no front.”

One of the architects of the agreement/accord, the former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, has even said to Senators in a meeting behind closed-doors that the country’s troops would not go back to what he called a ‘Vietnamese quagmire’, making reference to the American losses on the front.”