Translation answer keys | ||
Try to follow these important three steps: | ||
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“Com o fim da escravidão e a consequente desorganização momentânea do sistema de mão de obra, uma série de esforços foi feita no sentido de atrair imigrantes, sobretudo europeus, para o Brasil. | ||
“With the end of slavery and the consequent temporary disarray/disorder/disorganization of the labor system, a series of efforts/initiatives was undertaken/carried out/made/implemented/set to/in order to attract immigrants to Brazil, especially/mostly Europeans. | ||
A experiência vinha da época do Império, mas seria incrementada na Primeira República. | ||
The/This experiment/endeavor came from/dated from/stemmed from/had come from the period/time of the Empire, but it would be enhanced/upgraded/boosted in the First Republic. | ||
Em razão da concorrência de países como Argentina, Cuba, México e Estados Unidos da América, o governo brasileiro teve de se esmerar para vender a ideia do ‘paraíso terreal’. | ||
Due to/Owing to/Because of the competition with countries such as/like Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, and the United States, the Brazilian government had to work hard to/make an effort to/do its best to sell the idea of an ‘Earthly paradise/wonderland/heaven on Earth/paradise on Earth.’ | ||
Grandemente destinado ao campo — à formação de núcleos coloniais oficiais nos estados do Sul e em especial às fazendas de café na Região Sudeste —, esse contingente de imigrantes acabaria absorvido pela dinâmica das cidades que cresciam e ofereciam empregos e serviços.” | ||
Largely/Mostly destined to the countryside/rural areas — to the development of/to form official colonial centers/settlements/hubs in southern states and particularly/specially to the coffee farms/plantations in the southeast region —, this mass of/number of/contingent of immigrants would end up being absorbed by the dynamic of the cities that were growing and offering employment/jobs and services.” |