My First Article

My First Article

Hello guys! My name is Igor Castilhos, I am 21 years old, living in Brazil and also I'm a Software Developer. I'm currently studying HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I've been reading the W3Schools documentation and watching some courses at Rocketse...

Igor Paprocki de Castilhos
1 min

Hello guys! My name is Igor Castilhos, I am 21 years old, living in Brazil and also I'm a Software Developer. I'm currently studying HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I've been reading the W3Schools documentation and watching some courses at and i think that i'm starting to get the fundamentals about those technologies.

My goal for 2023  is to get my first job in the tech area and finally move out of my parents house. I've been getting a lot of free time recently to study even more, so I will be writting a lot in this community.

Thanks a lot to those who can follow me and send feedbacks, I hope you are well!

Console.log("Hugs  :3");

That's me. Very handsome i know :D<br>
That's me. Very handsome i know :D