I read somewhere that sometimes we need more discipline than support. That sentence never left my mind since then. When I look back all my life I see that the times that I most evolved were actually the ones that I was on my on.
Ok, earlier this week my brother said I should do therapy. He said that is not normal for a woman around her 30 to be unsettled. I also paid a good amount of money into one of those "change-your-life-be-solid" courses in which I gave up after 5 meetings. |
Well, here it goes what I concluded this year: |
1. Like in nature, different matters can be used as fuel. To name a few: wood, petrol, chemical reactions between unstable components, water, meat, sunlight, wind, waves... People´s fuels are also different: stability, fear, justice, love, passion, pain... we are all driven by different feelings. |
2. In my humble opinion, I can classify people into two general and broad categories: BELONG and BECOME. It came to my attention that people crave fitting in, to have that feeling of belonging to something or someone (I dare say even both). "I belong here", "you belong to me", "I belong to this or that". No problem with that. In my point of view, those people like to play it safe. |
Now, I´m focusing more on the second group, that I place myself in, which is the "becoming ones". To us, the process is what spins the wheel. Every now and then we change careers, hobbies, even beliefs to become something else. It´s all about having different experiences and "tasting the world" with our senses. There´s no brilliant future, security, plan, or boredom around us. The only thing is that all is a constant change. "Everything you know is certain except everything can change". Does it mean that we´ll all end up alone in an old house surrounded by 30000 cats? I don´t know how to answer that as our future belongs to "chance". What I can say for sure is that our resume will have had many sections by then. |
But I also think the categories are interchangeable. I was once a person that tried to belong to things, it just didn't work for me. In any case, be true with yourself. |
3. "A life without purpose is a wasted life". That´s what I heard in the course. "Everyone is born with one purpose, you need to find it and stick with it for the rest of your life". That line stroke me as a double-decker bus. How come people like me can live then? |
Here´s my answer. No matter what you do, all of us have the major purpose in life: be good, live with passion, and make your mom proud of you(ok, that was 3). Aside from that, life can be made of different purposes, small ones, they change as we go, as we grow. We can always reach out to people in different ways. So, if you are multi-skilled, don't kill it because an I-am-the-Mr.-right-mentor told you so. |