Have you seen this amazing list?

Have you seen this amazing list?

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So, lately, we have seen the rise of voice as the newest tool of the trade for marketers and entrepreneurs.

Since 2019 we`ve seen the rising of the podcast, Spotify growth resulting in the deal with Joe Rogan, voice assistants growing both in features and in sales. So what are you doing to be positioned as a key player in your segment? That`s is the million-dollar question for your marketing in the next quarters, months, and maybe years.

But don`t rush, be careful on how you gonna address the subject. Listen to a lot of podcasts and audio-books, watch a lot of videos and read/write a lot of texts in whatever media you want to attack. It doesn`t matter if it`s a book, e-book, blog post, or simple articles.

For me, everything starts with writing.

And what do I mean with that, you might be asking, right?! It is simple. Do you want to make better articles? Write more stories. Do you want to make better videos? Write more scripts. Do you want to make better interviews? Write more articles.

Before the media become a video, you need the video script. Before that podcast goes to air, you need to write more about your thoughts. Pay close attention and see, most of the things you do in life depends on the writing. Writing is a process, is addictive.

And, hey, we practice what we pray (at least I do)...

Don`t believe it? Ok, I show you what I mean.

The Definitive Guide of SaaS Podcast in 2020

If you are in positions such as:

  1. Planning to start a SaaS company;
  2. Close to launch your MVP;
  3. Trying to find your Product-Market Fit;
  4. Scaling your business;

Well, I can say that those podcasts are a must listen to you (and your team). The content that you will find there is incalculable!

Imagine yourself having a mentoring session with one of the most prolific SaaS entrepreneurs or VC`s.

That is the kind of value that you`ll find on those podcasts. And I might tell you a secret, most of those entrepreneurs are pretty reachable.

They are very active on social media, especially Twitter. On my end, I`ve been experimenting to reach them on Linkedin as well, and what can I say? I`ve been doing very well for myself. Thanks for asking! 😉

So, what is my suggestion to you on this new week that is ahead of us...

Click right here, read the article (share it with your team and a close friend tagging me @victormaiam or @saasholic), listen to the podcasts and try to reach out to the entrepreneur who had impacted you the most with his content, story or any kind of value that he or she dropped during the episode.

Can I count you in?

Next newsletter I`ll check in on the status, and hope you have achieved a good conversation status.

Have a nice week!

Victor Maia

Head of Community

P.S.: Please, reply to this message with a particular list of podcasts, I would love to know what is on your mind and ears lately! 🤓

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