SaaSholic news #001

SaaSholic news #001

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We're coming back with our newsletter, but in a new version and frequency

Our goal here is to filter and share the most useful and actionable content we've come across.

In order to be relevant, we're taking for granted that you're our persona: immersed in the tech scene, directly interested in SaaS, and seeking growth not only for your company but also as a person/professional.

Feedbacks are appreciated, as always.

We hope you'll enjoy it :)

Timeless wisdom

Build-in Public

Many founders are heading to Twitter and publicizing pretty much everything that happens and their lessons in the startup creation journey. Some say this makes their companies more vulnerable but the upside they reap from deeply involving their customers and investors is much higher. 

This article is a great introduction to the "Build in Public" approach that we'll be seeing more and more often.

No Meetings, No Deadlines, No Full-Time Employees

Also, our world is more remote than ever, and we have many new types of working-models being tested. The essay below is a detailed description of a non-conventional model that works well for Gumroad and might well trend in the coming years.

New Year's Resolution: if you haven't made yours yet you're late for the party.

OKR is the most famous framework to help achieve goals. Everyone knows what it means but very few apply it effectively.

It became famous after Google started successfully using it and here's the best Google hands-on guide to OKRs I know of:


Quick pills of SaaS concepts that are always worth refreshing.

The definition of the appropriate selling price of a product/service on the market depends on the balance between its production cost, the market price and the calculated value perceived by each customer segment. Understanding the Average Sales Price (ASP) is crucial for your company's financial health and acts as a feedback input for later price adjustment. In this article, we explain what you need to know about it and how to calculate it.  

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