SaaSholic news #004

SaaSholic news #004

0 min

Groceries as a Service

People say that all Latam startup decks finish with a world domination slide in which the startup turns itself into a Fintech, regardless of its original market and business model.

Well... I'd say that a similar trend happens with American companies. But instead of becoming a Fintech, they turn into a SaaS (or some variation of it).

This is probably not what you're expecting from a SaaS-focused newsletter... but I'll get a bit creative and call it GaaS (Groceries as a Service).

A 1 trillion+ valuation bubble?

Since Google started, there have been plenty of people saying that it was a bubble and it wouldn't ever get as valuable as it is today. Nowadays no one is crazy enough to say that Google is a bubble, but some people advocate the theory that we’re living in a valuation bubble.

Here, Packy uses the examples of Google and some of its big brothers (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook) to show how those performances indicate the great potential that all of this SaaS has on the “valuation bubble”.

Everything you need to know about SaaS metrics

Our last newsletter was short, so to compensate, today we’re sharing one of the most important articles we have on our stock. It was written by David stock in contribution with Ron Gill, (CFO, NetSuite), and Brad Coffey (VP of Strategy, HubSpot).

It should be enough to encourage you to read the article, but they’re not just doing an article about SaaS. They did a complete lesson going all the way down about everything you need to know about Saas metrics.


Quick pills of SaaS concepts that are always worth refreshing.

What is Digital Transformation? 

Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technology into all aspects of the company, which requires fundamental changes in technology, culture, operations, and delivery of value. And of course, it’s one of the biggest changes you should stay upon in the actual century. Check the link below and stay updated.

Digital transformation

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