SaaSholic news #012

SaaSholic news #012

Improving decision making

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Improving decision making

Take the next step in any environment with high complexity is always tough. When you have uncountable variables, you can’t just analyze the data you see and make the decision. You also need to include all the data you don’t have in your thought process to be as accurate as possible. But how do you do that?

Scientists developed a method a long time ago to solve it. It's known as statistics.

But wait, you don’t have to go crazy with math to solve all your complex problems, but you can use some of the tools that statistics brings to us to get better results. The text below was written by the Chief Decision Maker of Google and gives you a step-by-step on how to develop a hypothesis.

Unlocking the Path to Negative Churn

As an SaaS company becomes larger, the size of the subscription base becomes large enough that any kind of churn against that base becomes a large number. That loss of revenue requires more and more bookings coming from new customers just to replace the churn.

As a result, growth slows substantially. Therefore, to maintaining growth in the long term, churn is one of the key metrics that you need to examine. Here, David Stock gives you a clear manual on how to reduce the churn rate.

How To: Be A Good Employee, Be A Great Boss

Everybody is, or will be, an employee or a boss. But most people are both. If you are a manager, you need to report to your Director. If you’re the CEO, you need to respond to your investors. And if you’re an analyst, you have to be a good boss to your interns. But what should you do to become great at these positions?

We have a lot of content on the Internet about how to be a millionaire, but there is very little to teach you how to be a great professional and then became a millionaire. In the essay below, Avinash gives non-miraculous but some great tips on what you need to be a great professional on both sides.

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