See you at SaaStr?

See you at SaaStr?

Join us this year at Saastr Annual, the Super Bowl for SaaS aficionados!

William Cordeiro
1 min

Join us this year at Saastr Annual, the Super Bowl for SaaS aficionados!

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  • SaaStr is the largest SaaS-focused event in the world;
  • 10,000+ attendees;
  • 100+ Tactical sessions from world-known founders;
  • 1,000+ Networking Sessions, mentoring sessions, and 1-on-1s;
  • 250+ speakers from the best SaaS companies across the world
  • The event will take place in San Francisco, from 13-15 September

SaaSholic is gathering a crew to join the event and we were able to secure the best deal for all of us: 50% discount on the tickets and an exclusive Happy Hour with the BR/Latam SaaS community.

If you are also interested in buying the Saastr tickets at 50% OFF and in joining our exclusive Happy Hour, click here!