Introducing our Team members :)

Introducing our Team members :)

Arthur De Liz Sperb - Game Producer/Manager

2 min
Illustration by Maria
Illustration by Maria

Arthur De Liz Sperb - Game Producer/Manager


-    Taking care of the deliverables, setting team goals and deadlines, keeping track of progress, supervise and coordinate activities, organizing and uploading team files to SharePoint

Skill sets:

-     playing games for more than 17 years, more than 4 years working experience, experience with animation and illustration, played a wide range of games (MOBAS, MMOs, Strategy), have experience organizing teams and projects.

I expect the most challenging to be organizing the team so we create a game that is both extremely fun and educational.

Favourite games:

·       Hades

·       Rayman Origins

·       The Witcher 3

·       Teamfight tactics


Maria Angelova - Game Artist/Modeler

-          I would be best suited for the task of game artist/modeler given my fine arts background. My skillsets are character- and background design.

-          The biggest challenge for me would be figuring out a style that would be universally appealing among our target audience.

Favourite games:

·       Hades

·       Portal 2

·       Gris


Florian Thausing - Game Programmer/Designer

-          I am suited for the Game Programmer position because I went to a HTL and have 3 years of professional programming experience. Also I have an engineering title.

-          The most challenging part will be to actually program the game and getting along with Management.

Favourite games:

·       The Binding of Isaac

·       Slay the Spire

·       The Elden Ring


Nadja Kieslinger - Game Analyst/Tester, Head Blogger

-          The most challenging task will probably be analyzing the game without my own bias, since I am part of the development myself.

-          I will have to find people from different demographics to test our prototype, the appeal of the game to a broader audience, and its usability.

Favourite games:

·       Zelda: Breath of the Wild

·       Blazing Beaks

·       Super Smash Bros.

·       Minecraft