Customer Information
Portal love Team
3 times a week
Scale + Acceleration
News and technologies focused on the
agribusiness universe.
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Customer context
The Lova Máquinas is an ecommerce that sells machines and tools for agriculture. With the idea of making the brand more well-known and generating authority, the company sought Pingback to start a content creation project. The idea was to use Pingback as the center of content production. Having a specific format and an established content frequency to provide rich texts with agricultural knowledge
Strategy and practice
Due to being an extensive project that involves several people from Lova Máquinas, the implementation involved several actions:
Public and authority
Public: average age over 30 years, small, medium and large scale farmers, as well as companies working with this type of business.
There is a big challenge to attract interest and engagement of these people through social media.
Additionally, algorithms are inhibiting factors to achieve the initial objectives which are: reaching more people and establishing authority.
Constancy and strategy
The Pingback was a tool that managed to bring together various functionalities necessary for Lova Máquinas in one place.
Blog structure already built to contribute to ranking;
Tool for mass email sending with great delivery rate;
Newsletter acceleration service;
Extremely close Brazilian support to the project proposed by Lova Máquinas.
Opening rate
Opening rate average: 37.5%
Contact number: 800